Ownership and restructuring arrangements of public companies provide countless opportunities for active value creation.
We provide leading Finnish expertise in capital markets transactions and mergers and acquisitions that involve listed companies. We have extensive and versatile experience in providing strategic advice to Finnish and international listed companies and private equity sponsors.
A solution-oriented advisor with business insight, we are known as a trusted partner of boards of directors and management in strategic initiatives and demanding situations of change that concern listed companies. We understand profoundly how owners and companies see the business environment and know how to map risks and opportunities involved in implementing strategic initiatives and steering operations.
Our firm’s M&A and capital markets teams have an outstanding ability to support clients. Public M&A transactions are managed by a project team that is compiled of Finland’s best legal experts and supported by an unparalleled legal service offering. Public M&A project teams are formed from our firm’s experts in capital markets and financial regulation, mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, and corporate tax law. When necessary, the team will be supplemented by experts from our firm’s other business law services to the extent required to successfully carry out the project.
Our clients include Finnish and international offerors, target companies, major shareholders, financiers, private equity sponsors and investment banks as well as C-suite executives and board members of listed companies.
International publications consistently rank our services and our lawyers among Finland’s best.