Attorney Vesa Rasinaho joined our Corporate Governance team as a senior counsel on 30 August 2021. Vesa has extensive experience in corporate law.
Corporate Law Specialist Vesa Rasinaho Appointed as Senior Counsel

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To quote Vesa, he works with ‘all things connected with the Limited Liability Companies Act’. He has a strong background in, among other things, equity-based financing arrangements, structured M&A, shareholders’ meetings, advising companies and their management, and litigation. Prior to joining Castrén & Snellman, Vesa worked at Roschier for over 22 years.
‘Corporate law is fundamental to all companies at all times. During an upswing, the focus tends to be on financing arrangements and mergers and acquisitions, but corporate governance and shareholders’ rights must not be neglected. I am happy to join the firm and look forward to working with Castrén & Snellman’s clients and new colleagues’, Vesa says.
Vesa is the chair of the Finnish Corporate Law Association and takes active part in other organisations in the field. He has acted as the secretary of the working group for the revision of the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act and participated in the drafting of the current act.
Pauliina Tenhunen, the head of our Corporate Governance service, is happy to welcome Vesa:
‘Vesa provides a unique skill set to our clients, and this will further strengthen us as Finland’s premier corporate governance team.’
In addition to his work, Vesa actively writes and publishes in his field of law. He is one of the authors of the authoritative corporate law handbook, ‘Osakeyhtiölaki I–II’, which went into its third edition in 2018 with an electronic edition being published in the autumn 2021.