Outi Ruohola
HR Director

Contact details
As the HR Director, I am responsible for ensuring that our HR team supports the professional development of the entire firm and each individual member of our firm. We ensure this by recruiting the right people to the right places and by ensuring continuous learning and wellbeing at work.
During my over ten years at Castrén & Snellman, I have recruited over 200 new colleagues. It is a great pleasure for me to be the first contact for new C&S employees. I think that the best part of our firm is the Castrén spirit. Every day, I do my best to maintain and build-up the great atmosphere here – all the way from the first meeting with future colleagues through to our daily work together.
As a member of our Management Group, I have an active hand in the operative management and development of our firm. Supporting the management, supervisors and my team in their duties and in being able to perform their work even better gives a particular spark to my work.
I graduated in 1996 with a master’s degree in economic sciences. Before joining Castrén & Snellman, I worked in management duties as a partner in a start-up company providing events management services, which is today known as Management Events. Already at that time, I was particularly inspired by personnel wellbeing. When I was offered the opportunity to work in a successful expert organisation, it was easy to make the decision – which I have never regretted.