For the second year in a row, Castrén & Snellman received the award for Scandinavian Firm of the Year at the Women in Business Law Awards EMEA 2022.
Women in Business Law Awards EMEA 2022: C&S Once Again Scandinavian Firm of the Year

The Women in Business Law EMEA awards are granted to law firms as recognitions of their efforts in helping women to advance in the legal profession in the EMEA region. In addition, the awards highlight the most ground-breaking achievements by leading female lawyers.
“We are proud and happy to receive this recognition, as Castrén & Snellman is committed to promoting equality, diversity and work-life balance. We are well under way, even though it is a journey that requires perseverance, and we can continuously push ourselves to do better”, says Carola Lindholm, C&S Partner and Chair of the Board.
“It is our responsibility as a leading law firm in Finland to be a pioneer in the field. Our mission is to ensure that all of our employees have equal opportunities to advance in their careers and develop their skills. For us, equality means equality in a wider sense that just between the genders”, reminds Sakari Lukinmaa, Managing Partner.
As part of its equality work, Castrén & Snellman has arranged diversity training for the entire personnel, and all of our new employees take part in an induction course on diversity. In the spring of 2021, we adopted the use of gender-neutral Finnish terminology. 55 per cent of our lawyers are women, and out of our 30 partners ten are women. The share of female partners is the highest in Finland.
The WIBL Awards are organised in cooperation with IFLR, ITR, Managing IP, Benchmark Litigation and Euromoney Legal Media Group Expert Guides.