We assisted SATO Corporation in a comprehensive review of the company’s compliance functions by assessing whether SATO’s internal policies, guidelines and commitments, such as the company’s code of conduct, were up to date and complied with regulations. As a result of the review, we provided suggestions for developing the compliance-related guidelines in a way that would make organisation-wide implementation of compliance matters more efficient. In addition, we suggested how the compliance functions could be developed in the short and long term and their structure simplified in order for the model to correspond better with the goals of the company’s sustainability programme and the requirements of upcoming sustainability regulation.
‘The support provided by the Castrén & Snellman experts in this review has been invaluable. We received excellent comments on how to develop and implement our guidelines and policies. It’s easy to trust the advice of these experts,’ say Katri Innanen, General Counsel, and Sini Kössi, Leading Legal Counsel, Investments, from SATO.