We acted as the legal advisor to Gasum in its acquisition of the entire share capital in Swedish biogas producer Skövde Biogas AB from Torran Gas Holding AB on 31 October. The transaction will allow Gasum, the leading gas sector actor in the Nordic countries, to increase the volume of in-house produced biogas in its portfolio and expand the whole biogas value chain from feedstock sourcing to distribution and use. The acquisition involved the transfer of three current employees to Gasum.
Gasum is a Nordic gas sector and energy market expert. Gasum now has 15 biogas plants in Finland and Sweden, making the company one of the largest producers of biogas in the Nordics. The Gasum Group has around 380 employees in Finland, Norway, Sweden and Germany. The company’s revenue totaled MEUR 1 128 in 2019. Gasum is owned by the State of Finland.