green transition

  1. 3.1.2025 – Real Estate Investments & Transactions
    Finland’s new Building Act entered into force at the beginning of 2025
    Antti Kaakkola, Marius af Schultén, Elina Marttala, Helinä Pohjanlaakso, Jessica Salmia & Sonja Leinonen
  2. 30.10.2024 – Environment, Energy & Green Transition
    New siting permit for clean energy transition projects proposed for inclusion in the Building Act
    Marius af Schultén, Helinä Pohjanlaakso & Jessica Salmia
  3. 5.7.2024
    Control or growth?
    Sakari Lukinmaa
  4. 27.6.2024
    Marius af Schultén and Kanerva Sunila to strengthen Castrén & Snellman’s Environment, Energy and Green Transition team
  5. 27.5.2024 – Real Estate Investments & Transactions
    Three key questions about installing the charging points required by the Charging Points Act
    Elina Marttala
  6. 22.4.2024 – Tax & Structuring
    New green transition investments in Finland to receive up to EUR 150 million tax credit per project
    Mikko Alakare, Janne Juusela, Samuli Tarkiainen & Jarno Tanhuanpää
  7. 31.1.2024 – Environment, Energy & Green Transition
    Investments in the green transition require courage and cooperation
    Jarno Tanhuanpää
  8. 5.10.2023
    Amendment to the Energy Efficiency Directive can trigger a wave of renovation in Finland
    Antti Kaakkola, Samuli Tarkiainen, Minna Korhonen & Jerker Pitkänen
  9. 4.7.2023 – Energy
    C&S Future Lens: Being open to innovations makes Finland a leader in new forms of energy
    Samuli Tarkiainen & Kanerva Sunila
  10. 26.5.2023 – Environment, Energy & Green Transition
    Green transition is progressing but the permit system is lagging behind
  11. 28.9.2022 – International Construction & Projects
    The time for the green transition is now
    Samuli Tarkiainen
  12. 3.6.2022 – Environment, Energy & Green Transition
    Plan to speed up green transition investing by providing temporary priority processing and expedited appeals – statements can be issued
    Kanerva Sunila