Castrén & Snellman associate Piia Raappana was elected to the board of the Finnish Anti-Counterfeiting Group on 15 April 2019.
Piia Raappana Appointed to the Board of the Finnish Anti-Counterfeiting Group

Piia Raappana
The Finnish Anti-Counterfeiting Group (FACG) is a Finnish association campaigning against counterfeiting and piracy. The most important aim of FACG is to promote a better understanding of the importance of anti-counterfeiting work in Finland and to work for an effective enforcement of the anti-counterfeiting laws. FACG informs its members and the public of the current trends in counterfeiting and the changing legislation in the field. FACG aims to encourage a more proactive role of the legislator and to train policymakers, judges and prosecutors in the field of IPR crime. FACG operates as a member of Global Anti-Counterfeiting Group (GACG) Network.