We are happy to announce that Castrén & Snellman has promoted seven lawyers from associates to senior associates as of 1 October.
Castrén & Snellman Promoted Seven Lawyers to Senior Associates

Hanna Salokangas, Lauri Ylönen, Noora Ahonen & Roopert Laitinen
As of 1 October, our new senior associates are:
Noora Ahonen, Tax & Structuring
Atte Andersin, Competition & Procurement
Roopert Laitinen, Corporate Governance
Sampsa Purojärvi, Private Equity & Venture Capital
Markus Rahnu, Mergers & Acquisitions
Hanna Salokangas, Corporate Governance
Lauri Ylönen, Real Estate Investment & Transactions
We warmly congratulate our colleagues and wish them all the best in their new positions!