31.3.2023Castrén & Snellman appoints three new senior associates – Appointments also in Business Services
31.3.2023Dedication to our clients’ success acknowledged as C&S appoints five new counsels
3.10.2022Castrén & Snellman Promoted Seven Lawyers to Senior Associates
1.4.2022Castrén & Snellman Promoted Six Lawyers to Senior Associates – Promotions Also in Business Services
1.4.2022Hanna Paloheimo and Rickard Langenskiöld Promoted to Senior Counsel and Christer Svartström to Counsel
1.10.2021Castrén & Snellman Promotes Suzanne Simon-Bellamy and Mikko Hanni to Counsel
5.10.2020C&S Promotes New Counsel, Senior Associates and Business Service Professionals