Oskari Gestrin
Chief Operating Officer

Contact details
As the Chief Operating Officer, I am, together with my team, responsible for the use of financial information in business management and ensuring that legal obligations are complied with at the required level. I also participate in the management and development of the company as a member of the management team.
I enjoy helping people succeed and shine in their work. At the heart of my expertise is the modelling and implementation of forecasting solutions, as well as the utilisation of data and technology in reporting and processes. My spark is ignited especially in change management as well as in implementing strategic projects in the company’s culture and operations. Before joining Castrén & Snellman, I worked as the regional CFO in an international ad agency. I have also worked for several entrepreneurs and companies as a financial advisor.
As a person, I am positive, social, and energetic. I have high morale, a need to develop, and a desire to help people around me.