Laura Paukku
Business Development Specialist
Contact details
I am a Business Development Specialist at Castrén & Snellman. I am in charge of building and developing strategic customer relationships commercially with our business operations both in Finland and internationally. My responsibilities also include developing the firm’s operating models, client data usage and the related tools. I make sure that our practices and tools benefit our everyday work and improve our customer service.
Before joining Castrén & Snellman I worked in different sectors, including retail, a consulting firm, an import organisation and Finland’s largest financial group. I have a strong background in sales and development from different roles, and I am immensely inspired by the world of sales, process development and change management. I have had the honour of working with significant quality brands, and I am very happy to join the story of Castrén & Snellman.
I am a Master of Arts in English and a Master of Business Administration in business development.
In my free time I like to lift weights, swim, solve murders (via books and TV), play puzzle games, and spoil my two cats.