Chambers Global ranked our services among the best in Finland in its annual publication that came out on 17 March 2015. Chambers Global researches and ranks Finnish law firms in the categories of Intellectual Property (Band 3), Banking & Finance (Band 1), Dispute Resolution (Band 1) and Corporate/M&A (Band 2).
Chambers Global 2016 Ranked Our Banking & Finance and Dispute Resolution Services in Band 1

The rankings are based not only on background information provided by law firms, but also especially on feedback provided by clients. A total of 16 of our experts received rankings from Chambers Global.
Besides the Global directory, Chambers also annually publishes the Chambers Europe directory, which looks more extensively at Finnish legal experts in various fields. Both publications have for many years ranked Castrén & Snellman’s experts as being among the best in Finland. For a more detailed look at the rankings, please visit the Chambers Global website.
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