Each year, Chambers and Partners Europe Guide identifies and ranks the top Finnish law firms. Our firm received excellent rankings in the 2017 Chambers Europe guide, published today. We were further honoured by being awarded the Chambers Europe Law Firm of the Year Award for Finland 2017, which recognises, in Chambers’ words, our firm’s ‘notable achievements over the past 12 months including outstanding work, impressive strategic growth and excellence in client service’.
Chambers Europe & Global 2017: C&S Top Tier Again

The Europe Guide researches and ranks Finnish law firms in 13 categories and our services were ranked as follows:
Our St Petersburg office was also ranked in the category of General Business Law (Band 3).
Besides the Europe Guide, Chambers also annually publishes the Chambers Global Guide, which identifies leading firms on the international stage.
The Global Guide 2017 for Finland ranks firms in 4 categories and our services were ranked as follows:
Both the Chambers Europe and the Chambers Global Guides have ranked Castrén & Snellman’s services as being among the best in Finland for many years. For a more detailed look at the rankings, please visit the Chambers and Partners website.
For further information please contact,
Pauliina Tenhunen