Castrén & Snellman’s popularity amongst law students is still going strong. The 2015 Universum student survey reveals that we are the most desirable employer amongst law firms for the seventh year in a row. We are the third most popular out of all legal sector employers, which is two spots higher than in 2014.
Castrén & Snellman’s Popularity as a Law Student Employer Continues

The most popular potential employer among law students was the Ministry of Justice, with second place taken by the courts and the Foreign Ministry taking fourth place after Castrén & Snellman. We were the most popular private sector employer in our category.
The results of the survey were published on 28 April 2015. The survey covered 12,380 students from 40 universities. Law students accounted for 528 of the respondents.
More information on the survey is available on Universum’s website.
For more information, please contact:
Pauliina Tenhunen