Our firm is proud to be a member of FIBS ry starting on 3 September 2013. Membership in Finland’s leading non-profit corporate responsibility network is a natural next step for us. In 2009, we were the first law firm in Finland to receive the WWF’s Green Office certificate and we have supported the John Nurminen Foundation’s Clean Baltic Sea project with pro bono work and donations since 2007.
Castrén & Snellman Joins FIBS Corporate Responsibility Network

Responsible corporate practices are already an established part of Finnish business life. The FIBS network has over 200 members, including six of Finland’s ten largest companies and Finland’s eight largest employers. FIBS helps companies develop responsible and sustainable practices and to translate corporate responsibility into a competitive advantage. The network provides information about corporate responsibility trends and best practices and provides a forum for companies and other stakeholders to exchange information and experiences.
For more information, please contact:
Pauliina Tenhunen