
Castrén & Snellman Highly Ranked in World Trademark Review 1000

Castrén & Snellman’s trademark practice has once again been ranked in the Silver Category in the 2016 edition of World Trademark Review 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals. According to the publication, ‘Castrén & Snellman can effortlessly handle even the most gruelling of contentious briefs’. ‘Available at the drop of a hat’, it ‘limits customer risk by putting more than one brain to work on a case’.

In the individual rankings, Castrén & Snellman’s Head of IP Sakari Salonen has been ranked in the silver tier for enforcement and litigation and as a leading practitioner in anti-counterfeiting. WTR 1000 describes him as ‘one of the country’s rising stars in general IP practice’ and ‘tremendously active’. He ‘exudes trustworthiness and reliability and is truly a big draw’.

WTR 1000 is the only independent definitive guide dedicated to identifying the world’s leading trademark professionals. The publication identifies the trademark industry’s talents in 71 jurisdictions around the world. All WTR 1000 rankings for Finland can be found here.

Castrén & Snellman’s Intellectual Property practice is one of the strongest in Finland. Our versatile team of IP lawyers and specialists cover every area of IP, from protection to commercialisation and enforcement. Our commitment is to provide unique IP solutions.

Latest references

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