We advised a financier consortium including Danske Bank A/S as coordinator, Danske Bank A/S, Finland Branch, Swedbank AB (publ), Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ), Branch Operation in Finland, and OP Corporate Bank plc as lenders in a real estate financing arrangement for LähiTapiola Yhteiskuntakiinteistöt Suomi Ky, a real estate fund investing in health care and community properties in Finland. The facilities made available under the financing arrangement consist of EUR 172,050,000 committed term facilities and EUR 80,000,000 uncommitted accordion facilities. The purpose of the financing arrangement was to finance the costs related to the acquisition of hospital property located in Espoo, Southern Finland, as well as financing and refinancing other properties acquired or to be acquired by the fund.
Danske, OP Corporate Bank, Swedbank and Handelsbanken – Real Estate Financing Arrangement for LähiTapiola Yhteiskuntakiinteistöt Suomi Ky

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