Ilona Karppinen and Iris Brisson are the Finnish contributors to a survey on challenging arbitral awards in the Nordics. As part of the survey, all challenge cases adjudicated before national courts in 2023 were collected.
C&S Contributes to a Nordic Survey on Challenging Arbitral Awards
Ilona Karppinen & Iris Brisson
The resulting report provides a statistical analysis of the cases, including the number of decided cases, successful challenges, grounds invoked and certain details regarding the underlying arbitration.
The survey aims to facilitate the development of arbitration in the Nordic countries. It is intended to become a recurring publication on challenging arbitral awards, turning into a series of published surveys over time. The report was done in collaboration with contributing law firms from Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
The survey concludes that challenge cases are rare in all Nordic jurisdictions and unlikely to succeed due to the arbitration-friendly stances of national court systems.