
Changes to PRH Official Fees for Patent and Trademark Services as of 1 May 2017

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The official fees for services provided by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) have changed at the beginning of May. The new fees entered into force on 1 May 2017 including both fee increases and reductions to certain services provided by PRH. Concerning intellectual property rights, changes were made for some of the patent and trademark prosecution fees. However, there were no changes to the design rights and utility model fees.

As an example, the filing fee for a trademark application in Finland was raised slightly, whereas the fee for renewal of registration was reduced. With these changes, the amount of these fees is now the same in Finland. These changes follow the same practise as earlier adapted by the European Union Intellectual Property Office EUIPO, where the basic fees for EUTM application filings and renewals are consistent.

For more information, please contact:
Nina Mikander and Katri Kiviniemi